Madhur Special Shikshan Prashikshan Santhan was initially started by a Special Child Mother Mrs. Anju Nehra in 01-Jul-2013 with a humble beginning of two children on its books. She requested all the parents of Specially Challenged children’s to come forward and provide the children an environment to grow and groom in the positive environment and be confident in facing the community.

The Institute was formally inaugurated by Mr. Rajender Kavya, on 28 July 2013 at its present location in the heart of the city of Churu.
The school aims to bring a smile on the faces of the special children entrusted to its care, to make them feel wanted and not a burden on society, by equipping them, through training, with the skills necessary to make them independent to the degree possible, physically, emotionally and financially. To provide an equal opportunity to specially challenged child in the District.

Madhur Special Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan is an Non Governmental Organization is located in CHURU RAJASTHAN . Madhur Special Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan is Registered as a Registered Societies (Non-Government) at CHURU of state RAJASTHAN with Ngo unique registration ID ‘RJ/2017/0173920’ . The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number 30/CHURU/2013-14 on the date of 09-09-2013

Madhur Special Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan was started in the year 2013 with 2 children in Churu, Rajasthan.

The purpose behind starting this initiative was to make children with special needs become self reliant and independent in their day today life. Gradually the strength of the students in our school started rising and parents from far of places started sending their children to our school. Thus, the organization decided to the campus for the school. Presently the campuses is at Depaslar Road, Churu with strength of 45 and 50 respectively.

MADHUR SPECIAL SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN believes that an inclusive and accepting attitude in the community and at home goes a long way in aiding the holistic growth of students. We work closely with parents and family members to empower them with knowledge and skills to cope with the impact of disability across various stages of their lives.


Enable families and communities to spread awareness and build capacity to aid acceptance and participation of PWD who require assistance and support.


Improve the overall quality of life of Child With Disabilities ( PWD ) to ensure full participation and acceptance in society.


To provide specialized education for the mentally challenged and undertake their rehabilitation by setting up the following:

  • Vocational Training Centers.
  • Sports and Recreation Centers ; and by :
  • Empowering differently – ABLED children with Computer Education.
  • Developing Speech Language and Communication
  • Introducing early intervention programs.


As the founder of Madhur Special Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan it gives me immense pleasure to offer special services to the families and work hard to meet the needs of the children. Our prime focus is to provide all required services and facilities to the children with special needs. We strive to provide nurturing and enabling environment with professional consistency to each and every child.

We take extra care to support each child to overcome difficulties and meet their challenges by recognizing their strengths. Our well trained staff commits itself in providing all the necessary assistance to each and every child with professional consistency.

We look forward to getting support from all the responsible citizen, goverment, corprates, donors and parents to make this world a better place for children with special needs.

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